
Showing posts from February, 2012

Plug Plug Plug

I recently found a great website that helps if you are looking to learn is called "You Suck at Photoshop" On a less progressive note, I LOVE DAILY GRACE!! She reminds me of a New Jersey version of myself 

Music Monday!

This week I decided to go completely outside of my music comfort zone. I was looking all over for a lesser known indie or folk band that I could review, but then it came to me. (via pandora) My coworkers are always talking about house music, so I thought that I would give Avicii a listen. I listened to the song "Levels" because I heard it is one of his more popular songs. What can I say, the second it came on, it brought me back to Spain. This is dancing music!  It put me back in the dance club zone and all I wanted to do was jump up and down. Good thing I didn't because it was 7 am this morning, but still the beats on this song are so catchy. This is good for a going out song, just a really fun song. I will definitely check out more of Avicii. He is swedish and is my age, which is crazy because he is grammy nominated and world renowned. peace&grace, Danni

I believe..

I have a strong belief in real relationships..real marriage..created through faith and morals peace&grace, Danni

This Week

peace&grace, Danni

10 random facts about me

1. I love honey mustard 2. I keep my receipts from almost everything 3. I drive a Kia Sportage and I can drive stick shift (oh yeah) 4. I don't like wearing things on my wrists, I even roll up my sweatshirt sleeves 5. I know every word to almost every Disney song 6. I dislike tomatoes more than anything 7. I don't drink coffee, but go to Starbucks more than most people 8. I own roughly 10 tie dye shirts 9. I make delicious guacamole 10. I used to want to live under my trampoline peace&grace, Danni